
The FORT project activities will be developed and implemented by the Consortium of the meditaranean partner institutions under the framework and objectives of the Catania and Cairo declaration.

The main activities of the project are as follow:

  • Seminar “Good practices in service provision and university preparation for international students" Read more...
  • Workshop: “To analyse the criteria, evaluation methods and QA processes in Mediterranean Basin and trends in cooperation in the quality management of universities”
  • Conference: “The use of ECT, Qualification Framework and Diploma Supplement”
  • Conference to enhance the attractiveness of European Higher Education Area and students nobilities in selected regions
  • Stimulate the interest for a shared culture in Higher Education within the Mediterranean Basin by the creation of a Web Site for the dissemination of International Cooperation Initiatives, expert database, project results…
  • Final Conference to enhance the attractiveness of European Higher Education.

The expected outputs:

  • Upgrade knowledge and tools of university managers to facilitate Mediterranean Students integration
  • Creation of methodology for the practical implementation of overseas students services
  • Adoption of common working papers on Quality Assurance; Study trends analysis in quality management cooperation
  • Upgrade knowledge and skills in the use of ECTS, QF and DS
  • Increased understanding and interest of partner Mediterranean students on the EHEA
  • Creation of Web Site to foster Intercultural exchange and dialogue
  • Promotion of EHEA in the Mediterranean region
  • Enhance awareness’ and increase interest for EU partner universities and European universities in partners’ instuition and in the Mediterranean region
Fort is a project co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme. Last update: 2009-11-24 14:43:16